The start of Autumn is a great time for the beginning of a yoga journey.
I hope you have all enjoyed your summer with its mixture of hot and wet days and nights.
The seasons are changing, the nights are closing in and our natural rhythms start to change with the season. The autumn is a time when nature slows and withdraws in preparation for the winter and our natural rhythms encourage us to do the same. In the modern world however so many of us find it ever more challenging to allow ourselves to follow our natural seasonal patterns.
Any support that we can find to assist us through changes in seasons can be so very helpful for us both physically and emotionally.
Yoga, when intelligent and mindful, is a beautiful practice which offers that support. Yoga is a route to help us flow from summer to autumn to winter.
We have our new White Horse Yoga centre timetable for the months ahead now published with classes for all – men and women – from beginners to experienced yogis. I am delighted that Josie is joining the teaching team with a new Thursday afternoon class, contact her directly if you want more information about her class. We also have a series of Friday evening sessions led by different teachers offering both yoga and meditation.
I am very excited to have monthly Friday afternoon meetings for experienced yogis where we will Go Deeper into different aspects of yoga starting in September. The aim is to develop these into a sangha or community of people who take their yoga seriously.
There is so much going on at White Horse Yoga and all the details are on the website
We hope you enjoy the term ahead.