Yoga For Life
Yoga For Life
A Yoga for Life class will help you discover how awareness of breath, mind and body encourages balance and harmony, not only in class but into your daily life too! This class encourages mindfulness and relaxation to help deal with anxiety, stress and sleep disorders as well as improving your general fitness and well being. This class provides a safe, warm and nurturing environment where individuals practice yoga with an emphasis on finding what feels right for for their own body, thus making yoga accessible and open to all! You do not have to be flexible, strong or fit to feel the benefit!
Term dates and costs – all classes are booked and paid by the term
12th September to 24th October 2024 – no class on 3rd October
6 weeks
Gentle Class
This is a restful, calming class that includes breathing techiniques, gentle flowing movements, passive and supported poses along with relaxation. This is a perfect new beginners yoga class that is also appropriate for those working with injury, limited mobility and health issues, or for those who prefer a softer, gentler approach to yoga.
Booking and Enquiries
For more details contact Cheryl.